This site uses affiliate links.
The purpose of this site is not merely to generate revenue. Wealthy Associate does not publish reviews or recommend products for the sole purpose of generating income. Whenever Wealthy Associate recommends a product or service, it’s because we genuinely feel that it would be of benefit to you as an affiliate marketer.
With that background, some of the links on this site are “affiliate links,” which allow Wealthy Associate to earn a small referral payment if you choose to purchase the product or service. In return for recommending you to them, the vendor may send us a small payment for what you’ve purchased.
Two important points…
First of all, we never recommend products or services that we haven’t used (personally and/or for clients) and can’t confidently recommend. If we recommend a product or service on this site, it’s because we honestly feel that you would benefit from that particular product or service.
Second, while we may earn a couple of dollars from your purchase, your purchase doesn’t cost you any more or less. It’s just a “thank you” from the vendor.
We value your trust, and hope that we can continue to be a valuable informational resource for you!